In 2016 Filippo Pizzoni edited the volume Orticola di Lombardia, 150 anni di associazione, 20 anni di mostra For Orticola di Lombardia and Giardinaggio scritto, the catalog of the exhibition held at the Braidense Library in Milan, Palazzo di Brera, in May 2014. In 2017 and 2018 he edited the publication of two monographic issues of Il Giardino fiorito, “Piante italiane per il giardino italiano” and “Al piacer mio”.
In 2009, the Grande Atlante dei Giardini in Oriente e Occidente was published by Electa, created jointly with Lucia Impelluso: “A precise geo-historical mapping that begins with the garden of ancient Rome and concludes with the latest trends launched by garden designers, without forgetting the oriental garden which is treated here in all its variations and typologies. The volume presents the main characteristics, developments and peculiarities of more than a thousand years of art expressed in gardens all over the world, in the West as in the East. The themes addressed in over 300 pages, accompanied by more than 350 images, illustrate the evolution of the gardens over time with factsheets and in-depth sections on the great masterpieces and on the particular aspects that characterized the birth and affirmation of a era or style.”.
In 1997 The garden: a history in landscape and art was published by Leonardo Arte, a history manual that links the evolution of the garden to other forms of art and which also investigated the 20th century, not yet finished: “A rich and complex theme, the history of gardens has strong links with art and architecture, as well as offering an interesting insight into the relationship between man and nature. Proceeding chronologically from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age, this volume reconstructs the evolution of the concept of the garden through the centuries, underlining how the different ways of thinking and organizing green spaces reflect in many ways the cultural and artistic trends of each era. We then move from Arab influences in medieval gardens to the harmony between nature and architecture in the Italian Renaissance garden; from the sumptuous baroque creations to the suggestions of eighteenth-century Arcadia, up to the “bourgeois” garden of the twentieth century.”
The volume was translated and published in the United Kingdom by Aurum Press, in the United States by Rizzoli International, New York, and in Germany by Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
Thanks to teaching activities and participation in conferences, some contributions have been published in various volumes such as, for example, “Le piante dei giardini romani and the Viridarium of Orticola di Lombardia”, in L’Archeologia in verde, Mito e Natura dalla Grecia a Pompei. Il Fuorimostra, Vol. I, University of Milan in 2016, and “Rinnovamento e ricerca nei Giardini e nel Parco di Monza sotto Beauharnais Vicerè”, “Il mondo dei giardinieri nell’Ottocento lombardo” and “Per un Museo del Giardino” for Il Parco, la Villa, Quaderno 7, 8 and 9 edited by Novaluna, Monza 2014, 2016, 2018; “L’evoluzione del rapporto tra arte e giardino dal passato alla contemporaneità”, in VerDeSign, Percorsi e riflessioni tra arte e paesaggio, edited by Marianella Mandelli and Laura Pirovano, Francoangeli, Milan, 2010 and “Il Programma di Recupero del Parco di Villa Contarini a Piazzola sul Brenta: il ruolo dei materiali d’archivio nella costruzione del progetto”, in the Atti del convegno Importanza degli archivi privati per lo studio delle discipline storiche, Piazzola sul Brenta, 31 September 1995. Piazzola s/B., 1997.
For Guido Tommasi Editore he edited the Italian edition of Latino per giardinieri, Botanica per giardinieri, Racconti dal capanno degli attrezzi, Il giardiniere curioso and Genealogia delle piante from the Germogli series and Sono nell’orto, Erbe aromatiche and Alberi da frutto from the Verdi indispensabili series.
Since 2017, Filippo Pizzoni has been a member of the editorial staff of the magazine Architettura del Paesaggio, the official organ of the Associazione Italiana di Archietttura del Paesaggio.
• ‘Frontelago Green’ in Topscape Paysage 34, 2018.
• ‘Perdersi in un labirinto di rose’, in Gardenia n. 409, May 2018.
• ‘Orti Fioriti in città’, Speciale Orti e giardini, suppl. Gardenia n. 394, Febrary 2017.
• ‘Viridarium,’ in Topscape Paysage 22, 2015.
• ‘Parco Robert Baden Powell, Lord of Gilwell’:
– in AAVV, Parco Baden-Powell, in Paisajismo 40, 2011, p. 30-35
– in M. Cucchi, Tra mare e laguna, in Paysage 7, 2011, p. 80-85
– in AAVV, Liquid Landscapes, Paysage Editore, 2012
• ‘Il Bosco del sorriso’, in Gardenia n. 355, November 2013.
• ‘Nel blu dipinto di blu’, in Gardenia n. 354, October 2013.
• ‘Metti le rose nell’orto’, in Gardenia Speciale Rose, October 2011.
• ‘Tra vigna e giardino’ in Gardenia n.317 September 2010.
• ‘Fascino all’inglese’ in Gardenia n.315 July 2010.
• ‘Un giardino di fiori recisi’ in Gardenia n.312 April 2010.
• ‘Una serra rifugio’ in Gardenia n.297 January 2009.
• ‘Il giardino nella ghiaia’ in Gardenia n.291 July 2008.
• ‘Minimal con brio’ in Terrazze e Balconi Gardenia 2008.
• ‘Kaleidoscope’ in S. Barbaux, Jardins Créatif, ICI Paris, 2008.
• in J-P. Pigeat Vive le Chaos!. Ordre et désordre au jardin, Conservatoire International des Parcs et Jardins et du Paysage, Chaumont sur Loire, F, May 2004.
• in Landscape Architecture, the magazine of the American Society of Landscape Architects, 12/2004, USA.
• ‘Sol des sols’ in 24Heures, Supplément culturel, n. 141, 19 June 2004, Lausanne, CH.
• in Tracés 05, mars 2004, Lausanne, CH.
• in Hochparterre.Wettbewerbe n. 4/2003, Zürich, CH.
• in Gardenia n.245 September 2004.
• The Strangest House Any One Ever Lived In’: in Gardenia n.244 August 2004.
• in Il Giardino Fiorito n.6/70, giugno 2004; in Riflessi June 2004.
• ‘Natura e architettura’ un articolo sul lavoro di Filippo Pizzoni in Case & Country n.187.
The activity of disseminating garden culture has seen the collaboration with numerous articles and columns for various newspapers such as Gardenia (columns ‘Le parti del giardino’, 2006; ‘Un architetto in giardino’ since 2018), Case&Country (since 2005 to 2011, ‘I Maestri del Verde’, ‘Shopping verde’ and ‘Gardening’), Acer, Bell’Italia, Io Donna, Gentleman di Milano Finanza, D.U. Volkswagen Group.
The blog Io e Orticola is also edited for Io Donna.